Get an unmatched Saving account experience with VYNKSAFE

VYNKSAFE provides you with a better saving option with a better interest rate, giving you an offer you cannot refuse.

Saving made easier and safer with VYNKSAFE

With VYNKSAFE, your money is safe in your VYNKSAFE wallet. The money will garner attractive interest and ensure you provide passive income. You can buy and sell cryptocurrencies on the platform with the utmost safety and comfort.


Why choose us?

We have a plethora of reasons which make us different from others. We are a platform with people first policy, ensuring that the users get full satisfaction.


More Savings

With us, your funds will not stay idle in the account but incur better rates of interest.


Exclusive Services

There are many exclusive services meant only for VYNKSAFE users who are not available on other platforms.


24x7 Support

Our customer support executives are always on their toes to help solve your problems or queries.

Easing out your transaction using your smartphone

Wish to transfer your funds from one account to another? We have you covered. We will help you transfer your funds to any account globally using only a mobile number, easing out the process with our trusted and secured platform.

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